Learning and Growing Together

If you are a stock market investor, you might have heard that investing is a lifelong learning process; learning from your own mistakes, learning from others’ experiences, reading books, and articles.

Learning and Growing is the mool-mantra to be a successful investor.

Everyone says to read books and become more knowledgeable. But no one focuses on the work to-do after reading it. A book based on investing will have no value if you don’t apply its key learnings, practice, and act on them.


Learning and Growing is a virtuous circle. You read books, try to think about the key points, apply it to your holdings or the companies you are researching about, write down your thought about this whole process, and then repeat.

There are so many investing books available in the market. But one of the disadvantages is that majority of the books are based on the US Equity context. So, what if these must-read investing books’ principles comes with the application on Indian equities.

Here is my little help to apply the key learnings on public listed Indian Inc through Mool Nivesh.

Mool Nivesh!!

Mool Nivesh is based on the principle of learning and growing together, to help its readers become a little more knowledgeable in this stock market investing journey.

You might be wondering: Why I am focusing so much on Learning and Growing!!

Hi, I am Kalyani Bhawsar and I have 3+ years of working experience in the stock market. I know it is a very short period of experience and that’s why I said I am also in a learning stage.

I am a person, who believes that learning is a lifelong process, whether you are a novice or 30 years of experience in this field, learning is a must in this investing journey.

That’s why I am sharing my learnings from investing books and try to apply them in the context of Indian equities, my detailed analysis, and valuation of Indian companies and sectors and upcoming IPOs so that it will help you also in this interesting wealth-generating exercise.

No Nonsense

By sharing my analysis, I am not sharing any stock tips and recommendations. I am just sharing my work, necessary to get that main decision, it will help you get more insights about the companies.

I am not here to share my experience from the stock market, but to share my analysis, my learnings from the books I read, my review of the books.

As we move ahead, you will learn more about investing principles necessary to generate wealth over time, the listed Indian companies, take more informed decisions.

Knowledge is the Key

Just try to improve your knowledge, make more informed decisions, and learn and grow together.

In this journey, I am here to help to become a little more knowledgeable through my process, my work and experiences, and ideas from the great brains of the stock market through their books.

Albert Einstein once said, “Once you stop learning, you start to dying.

So, keep yourself updated and just sit tight and read right.

I am inviting you all to join me in this roller-coaster journey and become a learning machine and a smart investor.


  1. That's a very great initiative . Looking forward to it!

  2. Great !!!
    Cooperative learnings always have great impact.

  3. Awesome!! Looking forward to it.

  4. Good Start on the New Experiences of Stock Markets.


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